Wallace Fields Junior has this week been awarded the prestigious SILVER Space Education Quality Mark, in recognition of its excellent work compared nationally.
UK schools and colleges receive the Space Education Quality Mark when they can show that they have significantly used the context of space in subjects, have worked with other organisations, shared resources and used space to enrich the curriculum.
The Space Education Quality Mark was created by ESERO-UK, which supports the space sector and teachers to open doors for young people from all backgrounds, by delivering inspiring world-class teaching in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects.
Alex Brown, STEM Support Programme Manager at STEM Learning, said:
“We are delighted to congratulate Wallace Fields Junior on receiving the Silver Space Education Quality Mark. Each school and college who receives the Space Education Mark has demonstrated a real and ongoing commitment to excellent STEM education in their school. Wallace Fields are a great example of this.”
The assessor from ESERO wrote a comprehensive report on the evidence portfolios submitted, which included many very positive comments including:
“This is an amazing submission and one that the whole school should be very proud of. All the evidence received is of a high quality and everyone involved has been engaged and enthused right from the outset.”
More information is available at ESERO-UK’s website https://www.stem.org.uk/esero/space-education-quality-mark.