Interested in sending your child to Wallace Fields Junior School

We are delighted to hear that you are interested in sending your child to our school.  

Applying for a place

Surrey County Council is the admission authority for this school.  To find up to date information about the school’s admission arrangements; details on how to apply, either as part of the normal intake or during the school year; and information on how to appeal, please use this link to the Surrey County Council website –


The Admission Criteria


Surrey County Council is the admission authority for this school. Details of the admission arrangements are available here Determined admission arrangements - Surrey County Council ( For information on how to apply, either as part of the normal intake or during the school year, please see information on school admissions on the Surrey County Council website at School admissions - Surrey County Council (


Fair Access Protocol

The majority of children applying in year will be admitted to a school through the school’s usual in year admission procedure. These protocols only apply to children who are applying for a place in year. This Protocol will be triggered when a child is refused admission through the in-year process and is identified as falling within one of the criteria set out within paragraph 5.2 of the Fair Access Protocol. 

For children applying for a place at a school in the normal year of entry (i.e. where a PAN exists for entry into that year group - normally Reception, Year 3 and Year 7), admission can only be refused in year if the PAN has been reached or  the child has been permanently excluded from two or more schools and the last exclusion was within the last two years (there are limited exceptions to this rule explained in the documentation). 


More Information About Life at Wallace Fields Junior School

Please see below our school prospectus with lots of information about our school.


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You will also find lots of useful information about what life is life at Wallace Fields Junior School by browsing this website.  Click on the links below if you are interested in the following topics:-