Welcome to Year 3
The class teachers are:-
Year 3
Miss C Day
Class teacher, English Writing and Phonics Lead
Mr W Taylor
Class teacher and Geography & History Lead
Year 3 HLTA and Maths Group Teacher
Mrs Fowler
The support staff includes:-
Year 3 Teaching Assistants
Mrs W Baxter
Teaching Support
Mrs C Murtagh
Teaching Support
Mrs K Garsden
Teaching Support
Mrs S Fowler
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Year 3 Welcome Meeting
Topics and Curriculum
You will find the weekly timetable in your child’s reading record. Year 3 covers some exciting topics such as:-
- History: Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age and Romans.
- Geography: mapping, using an atlas, physical and human geography.
- Science: classifying living things, sound, light, electricity and plants.
- Art: Kandisky, O'Keefe & Riley.
- Design & Technology: packaging, fruit salad, and light up cards.
- Personal, Social & Health Education: wellbeing, bullying, internet safety, stranger danger and roles in the community.
- Sex & Relationship Education: personal space (PANTS rule) and personal body parts.
- Faith and Philosophy: Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
- Computing: coding, touch typing, internet safety, research and word processing.
- PE & Games includes: Football, netball, rugby, hockey, tennis, rounders, cricket, athletics, dance, gymnastics and fitness.
For more specific information on what the Year 3 pupils will be studying we produce a curriculum map. We will publish this term's curriculum map here shortly but in the meantime see below the previous years' maps..
Year 3 Curriculum map
If you wish to find out more about the National Curriculum then you can click here.
Every week we award one child from each class with a ‘Star of the Week’ award to children who demonstrate the school values. We also celebrate their achievements in assembly and a certificate will be sent home to show parents/carers. We want every child to believe that they can achieve success in all they do. In addition to this, we also award: Dojos (house points), Head Teacher Award and Monthly BELIEVE award.
Our homework reinforces topics taught in English, maths, science, French, history or geography.
Weekly Homework:
- Reading at home (at least 3 times a week). This needs to be written in the Reading Record, signed by an adult and returned to school every Monday.
- Spelling Shed - children are required to play 3 x 10 minute games on Spelling Shed. The words they practise will be linked to the sounds we are teaching. This is set on a Monday and due the following Monday.
- Mathletics and Times Tables Rock Stars - children are required to complete 40 minutes of maths homework a week. This includes 1 Mathletics task and at least 10 games on Times Tables Rockstars. We do encourage children to go on TTRS daily to improve their times tables knowledge. TTRS will be set on a Monday and due the following Monday. Mathletics is set on a Wednesday and due the following Monday.
- Handwriting - children will be given a handwriting sheet to help practise their writing fluency. This will be given on a Wednesday and is due the following Monday.
Termly Homework:
- Autumn Term: French Board Game
- Summer Term: History Project about Stonehenge.
- Summer Term: Design project - tbc.
All details for passwords for homework websites are stuck in the front of the children's Reading Records. Year 3 children are given training on how to use their programmes in our Computing sessions at the start of the Autumn term.
Wallace Fields promotes reading for pleasure and understanding. We ask that children bring in a book from home to read in class, however we do also have a fantastic book corner in each classroom, should your child want something different to read. At Key Stage 2, a child needs to read the word correctly and build their understanding of the meaning and the context in which it is used. We will be teaching the children how to select appropriate books for them by regular visits to the library. We teach Guided Comprehension to develop the children’s inference skills and enhance their understanding of different texts.
Year 3 Reading Workshop documents
We ask children to read at least three times per week. Children are given a reading diary to record any reading that is done at home in front of an adult. We encourage reading at home and ask that you date and sign each entry. We will give 1 house point for reading 3 times per week and up to two extra house points for additional reading.
We ask you to avoid reading at home the books we study in class which are:-
We ask you to avoid reading at home the books we study in class which are:-
- “The Iron Man” by Ted Hughes
- "Skara Brae - Prehistoric Britain"
- "Stone Age Boy" by Satoshi Kitamura
- "My Strong Mind" by Niels Van Hove
- "The Magic Paintbrush" by Julia Donaldson
- "The Wolves in the Wall" by Neil Gaiman
For more information about reading at Wallace Fields Junior School click here.
As well as Times Table Rockstars practice, please also encourage your child to take part in practical maths activities at home e.g. shopping with money, telling the time and cooking using scales.
Please see a Powerpoint presentation about Maths below:
Maths Workshop powerpoint
For more information about how we teach maths go to the Maths link by clicking here.
Visits and Trips
To help broaden the children’s learning, enjoyment and understanding of their topics, we offer a range of visits and trips. In Year 3 we have the following exciting visits and trips:
A day trip to Butser Ancient Farm, Hampshire, to enhance their work in the classroom and discover more about the Iron Age.
Crew Theatre visit us at School to hold a theatre workshop on Roman Ramifications and Our Bodies and Healthy Eating.and Our Bodies and Healthy Eating.
A day trip to Kew Gardens to enhance our Science topic of plants.
More information about all these trips and visits and any costs will be sent out nearer the time.
Year 3 Trips
Photos from "Our Bodies" Workshop
Personal Growth
Your child is now at Junior School so please encourage your child to become more independent in attitude and organisation, for example: slips can be given to your child to hand into their teacher at registration.
Extra Support
Should your child need extra support in their learning, intervention strategies will be put in place.
These include:
- Our Phonics groups
- The WordShark spelling program
- Focus guided reading sessions
- Additional handwriting practice
- Mathletics
- Spelling Shed
- Times Tables Rock Stars sessions.
Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator, Mrs Elliot, will monitor children’s progress within any intervention groups as well as children on the Special Education Needs register. For more information about our SEN provision click here.
Any questions or concerns
Your teacher should be your first point of contact and can be contacted via the School Office Office1@wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk. If it is an urgent matter, please call the School Office on 0208 393 0350.