Multiplication tables
All children are expected to learn their times tables and we would encourage parents to help your child practice at home. It is especially important for the children in Years 3 and 4, as in Year 4 there is an official multiplication check administered by the Department for Education. These questions will include any facts up to 12 x 12 and be completed online.
Times tables are assessed regularly in class throughout the school and certificates are awarded in assembly as children reach different levels –
• Bronze is 2, 5 and 10 times table
• Silver is 3, 4, 6 and 8 times table
• Gold is 7, 9, 11 and 12 times table
• Platinum is Square, cube and prime numbers
Although the certificates essentially stay the same throughout their time in the school, the emphasis is slightly different in the way they are tested. In Year 3, children need to know their facts in random order within a given time limit. In Year 4, the children need to know and will be tested on their multiplication and division facts in random order. In Years 5 and 6, the children will need to know multiplication and division facts utilising random order, empty box and exceeding 12 times in certain areas.
Suggested timetable ahead of the Multiplication Check in June for the Year 4's.

Times Tables Rockstars
Times Tables Rockstars is a very interactive web site where children will be getting the opportunity to practise their times tables in a very fun way. Their online learning will be backed up with paper work in school and the tables they are working on will link to the certificate they are trying to obtain in school. The website moves children through the multiplication tables automatically. To do this, they will complete a Gig game. Gig games issue 100 multiplication questions starting with 10 questions on the 10s, followed by 10 questions on each of the 2s, 5s, 3s, 4s, 8s, 6s, 7s and 9s and then 5 questions on the 11s and the 12s. There is a 5 minute time limit and pupils will not necessarily get round to answering all 100 questions during that time, which is fine.
After their first Gig, pupils will be placed at the best starting point on the TTRS training course. Pupils are then directed to play a Gig game after learning every table as a way to track performance over time and adjust their learning pathway as necessary. It is here that the children can move from being a 'Busker' all the way through to being a 'Rock Hero'. There may be times that the children will receive other challenges through battles with other bands (other maths groups across the school), Rockslams (from and to other children and teachers) or be encouraged to go into the Festivals to play against children in the school or the Arena to play against other children around the world!
We expect the children to go onto TTRS at least 10 times per week and this should form part of their homework. It is useful to note that for the children in the lower school there is an area on the website called 'Soundcheck'. This mimics the Multiplication Tables Check that the children will be completing in the summer of term of Year 4. In this area the children will have 6 seconds to answer each question, so the 'speed' element is taken away. We will be encouraging our Year 4 children to use this area more frequently through the spring term for practice of the timings and the way the Multiplication Tables Check will work. However, this area is available to all children, should they want to have a go. Enjoy!
Click here for a link to the Times Table Rockstars website.