Uniform at Wallace Fields Junior School

Why do we have a school uniform?

Uniform is a great leveller and it reduces peer pressure at school for the latest fashionable clothes and helps children feel settled and prepared for school. Uniform creates identity and is useful on trips and visits outside of school. People will often contact the school to compliment the children’s behaviour and our good manners. We  are proud of our uniform and the true sense of belonging that comes with it. 

Uniform Policy

Updated: 15/10/2024 469 KB

Where do I buy the uniform?

All items of uniform with logo should be purchased online from our supplier Mapac go to: 


Is the school aiming to reduce the cost of school uniform?

Yes - uniform can be costly for parents and carers especially at secondary level. The DfE issued guidance (September 2022) for schools to reduce uniform costs and to make it more affordable. 

We try very hard to help keep costs down by taking steps to remove unnecessary branded items and allowing more high-street options such as supermarket plimsolls, trainers, shoes, shirts, joggers and trousers. We have had a recent review and we plan to adapt the uniform even further. We hold regular second hand uniform sales outside school every half term after school where good quality uniform can be purchased cheaply. We are still looking into cheaper alternatives and have removed any commission that some other schools charge.

What if my child is entitled to free school meals?

If your child is entitled to free school meals at Key Stage 2 or you are having financial difficulty in acquiring the full uniform then please do contact the office to find out how we can help you. 

Why does my child need a pair of spare trainers?

Our children are often allowed to play on our school fields and our activity trail. School shoes are not appropriate for this and often they can get muddy. The children change into trainers at lunchtime as it is more appropriate and the mud can be kept outside.

Can my child wear earrings?

Pupils are only allowed one pierced gold/silver stud earring in each ear and earrings cannot be worn during P.E. If your child is unable to remove their earrings they will not be allowed to participate in P.E. – we do not allow pupils to cover earrings with plasters. We recommend that children do not wear their earrings on the day they have P.E. or Games. Parents must, therefore, decide at the beginning of the summer holidays if you wish to have your child’s ears pierced. This will give enough time for the ears to heal and for the removal of earrings.

What do I wear on PE /Games days?

On the days children do PE or games, they must come in wearing their PE kit and remain in it all day.  PE kit is plain red shorts, white t-shirt with the school logo, white socks and trainers.  When the weather is cold Winter PE kit includes black tracksuit bottoms and the school logo red sweatshirt as children will be too cold in shorts and t-shirt. Shorts can be worn underneath. They must have plimsolls in school, as well as wearing their trainers in case they get wet or muddy feet in the day and need to change.

The days are as follows:-

Year 3 – Monday and Tuesday
Year 4 – Tuesday and Thursday
Year 5 – Wednesday and Friday
Year 6 – Monday and Thursday

Please note that our uniform is not gender specific and the wearing of PE uniform on PE/games days means time saved from changing in and out of kit and there is more time to do sports, games and PE.