PE and Games is a much-loved subject at Wallace Fields Junior School. Our pupils impress us with their determination and resilience to do their best in lessons, after school clubs and external events. We are always encouraging the children to BELIEVE that they can ‘dream more, learn more, do more, become more’ and through sport, we ensure that every pupil matters and has access to physical education.
Click here or on the image below to watch a video explaining all about how we teach PE and Games at Wallace Fields Junior School.
Our Intent:
At Wallace Fields Junior School, we recognise the value of Physical Education (PE). We see PE as an important aspect of school life which should inspire our children to become healthy, active learners. Our curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils access engaging and inclusive lessons that enable the children to become physically confident and achieve their best. This is through a range of sports which teach various physical skills as well as promote teamwork, leadership and resilience in an alternative setting to the classroom. We believe that our PE lessons must serve to lead children to healthy bodies as well as healthy minds.
PE is taught at Wallace Fields Junior School as an area of learning in its own right, as well as being integrated within dedicated wellbeing days. Through engaging PE lessons, Wallace Fields Junior School serves to provide each child with the opportunity to enjoy physical exercise, no matter what their starting point.
Our pupils access a range of physical activities and sports which are mapped across each year group with careful consideration to ensure that children build and develop their knowledge and skill progressively. The children receive two hours of PE a week, taught by class teachers and a designated sports coach. Our staff teach the key elements of the National Curriculum and allow for them to be applied in a practical, sporting context. We have recently introduced inter-house competitions at the end of each half term, allowing the children to apply their taught skills into mini-matches. In addition, pupils have the opportunity to attend extra-curricular clubs and lunch time activities which serve to inspire, broaden and further the children’s sporting and physical experience.
Activities in our curriculum include:
- Sports to develop attacking and defending principles including netball, football, tag-rugby, hockey, cricket, rounders and tennis.
- Indoor disciplines such as gymnastics and dance which develop children’s flexibility, coordination, strength, posture, technique, control and balance.
- Athletics lessons that create the opportunity for children to be inspired in a range of track or field events.
- Fitness and Circuit Training - Pupils are taught about the importance of physical exercise to ensure they have the knowledge of the impact of exercise on the body. They develop fundamental movement skills by performing a variation of exercises which involve agility, balance and coordination.
- In Year 5, selected pupils are taken to external grounds to attend 8 swimming sessions, learning different swimming techniques, developing their stamina and taking away an understanding of water safety.
Additional activities to broaden the curriculum include:
- Competitive Sporting Events – We have a range of connections and links to the local community which allow the children to attend external sporting competitions, including athletic events, football, netball, hockey and even golf tournaments! Children can either volunteer to join our teams or are put forward by staff members to ensure this is an inclusive aspect of school-life.
- Sports Crew - Each year a group of Year 6 children are invited to take on this role. They develop into sporting role models for the younger children, assisting with lunch-time clubs and other sporting activities.
- Residential Trips - Throughout Years 4, 5 and 6, all pupils are given the opportunity to take part in residential school trips which involve outdoor or adventurous activity. These activities require teamwork, individual resilience and challenges which the children learn to face, overcome and most importantly, enjoy!
- Swimming is an additional part of our PE curriculum that runs alongside our usual sports lessons in the upper school, with children having the opportunity to go swimming from Year 5. Parents and carers are asked to fill in a form to confirm whether their child can independently swim 25m. Those who cannot swim the minimum length are then selected to attend lessons - accessing swimming sessions for 6 weeks. At the end of the 6 weeks, children are assessed and if required, will proceed to have more swimming lessons to reach the minimum length of 25m. In these lessons, the children are taught a mixture of swimming strokes alongside water safety tips to help them become confident in the water.
- Orienteering - Children take part in 6 weeks of orienteering lessons which develops their directional skills and team work to navigate an orienteering course.
At Wallace Fields Junior School, our children are provided with the skills and knowledge to take responsibility for their own health, fitness and personal wellbeing. Pupils understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and recognise the importance of exercise. We aim to promote a love for exercise, allow children to recognise the relationship between exercise and mental wellbeing and embed values of teamwork, fairness, respect and sportsmanship. Our pupils will therefore hopefully grow to live happy, healthy and active lives, using the skills and knowledge acquired through PE and our sporting opportunities.
Swimming at Wallace Fields Junior School
Below are the figures for swimming attainment for the last two years:-
Swimming Attainment 2023-2024
Children achieving 25 metres or more in a range of recognised strokes:
In Year 6 91.1% of children
Swimming Attainment 2022-2023
Children achieving 25 metres or more in a range of recognised strokes:
In Year 6 94.2% of children achieved this goal.
For further details on the teaching of PE and Games across the school, please view our progression map.
PE & Games Progression Map
PE and Games Overview
To find out more about the national curriculum for PE in Key Stage 2 that the school is following click here.
Inclusivity and Equality
Every pupil matters at Wallace Fields Junior School and we ensure all children have access to PE and Games lessons. Our children with sporting experience have the opportunity to challenge themselves with new skills and tactically thinking whilst our less sporty children and/or children with special education needs have the opportunity to build their confidence and get moving through fun games and challenges in lessons that are catered to their learning journey.
We strive to meet all the children’s need by providing a range of activities and levels of support in PE lessons as well as during other opportunities in the school day (including whole-school events and sessions held at lunch times). All children are able to show their brilliance in PE through a range of opportunities at Wallace Fields Junior School.
Sports Premium Funding
We receive extra government funding for sport based on the number of pupils we have here at Wallace Fields Juniors. This funding goes towards developing the sporting experience for all pupils including buying new equipment, additional coaches and leaders and new experiences linked to sport and exercise. Please see how this money was spent last year in the document above.
Competitions and Events
Here at Wallace Fields, our school year involves regular participation in borough competitions, inter-school fixtures, termly inter-house tournaments and a "Weekly Mile" regime.
We begin each September with a football tournament held at Epsom College where we play many preparatory schools from the local area and South London.
Football and netball team trials are held for years 5 and 6 to enable squads to be established for our ‘school teams’ and regular training sessions commence early in the year to get plenty of practice playing together.
At the end of this month, we hold our own inter-house cross country race, the top runners from which are then invited to compete in the Epsom and Ewell District event in October.
A Sports Crew of around ten children are nominated and given special training to give them the skills to organise inclusive games at playtime, mainly to encourage the less active and shy or reluctant children to get involved.
November brings the Sports Hall (indoor) Athletics tournament for all year groups, which is always great fun and gives the opportunity for winning schools to progress to the county-level event.
In early spring, we brave the chill winds of Priest Hill to attend the borough tag-rugby and football tournaments (for girls and boys); we also begin playing our inter-school netball and football fixtures against the local Epsom and Ewell schools.
We celebrate Sports Relief Day each March, usually with a fun-run involving an obstacle course and parents are invited to come along to cheer the children on.
Swimming galas are sometimes on offer at this time of year and then the spring term ends with the district netball rally which is always well attended.
The summer term involves lots of cricket, tennis, and rounders, as well as the ever-popular District Sports and the Dance Festival held at the Epsom Playhouse.
The year wouldn't be complete without our own Sports Day where the ‘houses’ compete in mixed teams to earn as many points as possible through some unconventional activities plus competitive races for those children wishing to participate.
We welcome parents and carers to a large number of these events and they like to cheer the children on or help out with the setting up and clearing up. If you are interested in helping out at school please get in touch as we have close links with our local community and our trophy cabinet is full up thanks to you and the amazing efforts and skills of the children.
Our Sports Lead is Mr Chris Sellars, Football Coach is George from NS Sport and our PE/Games Lead is Miss Hill.
Sports Premium Funding
We receive extra government funding for sport based on the number of pupils we have here at Wallace Fields Juniors. This funding goes towards developing the sporting experience for all pupils including buying new equipment, additional coaches and leaders and new experiences linked to sport and exercise. Please see how this money was spent last year in the document above.
Sports Clubs
For all the fantastic extra-curricular sporting clubs the children can join, please click here.
Useful Links
Below are links to websites for information or activities you can do with your child at home!