Year 6 Roles and Responsibilities

In Year 6 all pupils are given some responsibility to help the school community run smoothly.  Some children are chosen to be Prefects which involves roles such as helping the lunchtime supervisors during wet play in the lower school.  Other roles include:- Head Teacher Helpers, Sports Crew, School Council, Digital Leaders, Peer Mentors, House Point Monitors, Bench Monitors, Librarians, House Captains, Reading Buddies, Stationery Shop, Mr. Findlay Helpers, Reading Ambassadors and Deputy Head Helpers / Lost Property.

Prefects and other Year 6 responsibilities

Updated: 20/09/2024 427 KB

School Council

The School Council at Wallace Fields Junior School is the voice of the children and each councillor is elected by their class to represent the needs, ideas and inspiration of the children.

School Council members are expected to:

  • Brilliance: Bring along brilliant their ideas and those they have heard from their peers.
  • Equality: Treat everyone with equal consideration
  • Learn: Consider ideas and learn how best to deal with any problems
  • Inspiration: To take peer inspiration and ideas and convey them to the council.
  • Enthusiasm: Take their role seriously and get fully involved in meetings
  • Vision: Look ahead to how decisions affect the future and what the school’s goals are.
  • Every Pupil Matters: To listen to everyone’s view and consider them, including pupils, teachers and other councillors.

The school council expects the adults at Wallace Fields Junior School to:

  • Respect the views of the School Council
  • Carefully consider each of the school Council’s ideas and proposals
  • Support the role and purpose of the School Council

The School council meet Mr Lee once a month in the library between 12.00pm and 12.40pm. Minutes are written.  Every month the school council consult their class and look at feedback from the suggestions box. 

The current school council are as follows:-




Please see below their previous achievements.  Work is underway to update this document with their recent achievements.


School Council achievements

Updated: 04/03/2025 427 KB