Mental Health and Wellbeing
Having good mental health helps you enjoy life and cope with problems. It offers a feeling of well-being and inner strength. Just as you take care of your body by eating right and exercising, you can do things to protect your mental health.
We want to help you manage and maintain your mental health, as good mental health makes such a difference. It helps us to relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more.
We all go through ups and downs in life, and experience life changes that can affect our mental health.
On this page you will find websites that give advice and tips to get a healthier mind and get more out of life – from how to deal with stress and anxiety, to boosting our mood or sleeping better and how we can help others and their mental health and well-being too.
If you are concerned about your child's mental health or wellbeing, please contact one of the following: The class teacher, Mrs Bruen (ELSA), Mrs Fowler (ELSA), Mrs Thompson (Wellbeing champion) or Miss Hallett (Wellbeing champion).
If you would like further advice or support regarding your own mental health or wellbeing, please contact Mrs Bruen (ELSA) or Mrs Fowler (ELSA), who can offer you further guidance and are happy to listen.
Wellbeing & Mental Health Policy
Wellbeing resources for everyone
Adult wellbeing resources
Wellbeing resources for children
Useful Web links:
Wellbeing Champions
We have appointed two Wellbeing Champions in school: Miss Hallett and Mrs Thompson. We want to ensure that every child is nurtured and has an opportunity to talk to a Wellbeing Champion if they have worries or are upset.
Wellbeing team
Mr Hurd
Class teacher, Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead, Senior Leaders Team, and Science Lead
Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
The school has two experienced ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) who are available by arrangement to support children experiencing emotional difficulties which are affecting their ability to learn and thrive at school.
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA)
Mrs Bruen
ELSA, Deputy DSL, and Librarian
Mrs Fowler
ELSA and Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mrs K Thompson
ELSA and Teaching Assistant
Wellbeing Centre
We have a designated, purpose-built room for ELSA and wellbeing support to take place in. This provides a comfortable and soothing environment for children to discuss their worries and concerns with a trained member of staff.
Peer Mentoring Scheme
This scheme happens during two lunchtimes per week to provide extra support for younger children. This is led by a few Year 6 volunteers who are trained to act as peer mentors to support children with any small worries or concerns. Children are able to book a slot in a book which is on a table just outside the Deputy Head’s office in the corner of the hall. All information is treated as confidential and only escalated to a higher level when deemed necessary.
Zones of Regulation
Throughout the school, we have introduced The ZONES of Regulation, in every classroom, which is a concept designed by Leah Kuypers, a licensed occupational therapist. It enables the children to gain skills in the area of self-regulation. When we say self-regulation, we can also mean self-control, self-management, and impulse control. It is defined as the best state of alertness of both the body and emotions for the specific situation.
Mood Boxes
Each classroom has ‘mood boxes’ where children can indicate how they feel on a day to day basis. An adult will talk to them if they place their card in the amber slot; red is for a child unhappy but not wanting to talk to an adult about it; and the green slot is to indicate that they feel fine. The box is checked every day and if your child indicates they would like to talk to someone then this will be made possible during the day. Talk to your child’s teacher as soon as possible if you are aware that your child is worried about anything.
Wellbeing Days
The whole school celebrates designated Wellbeing days throughout the academic year. These days are designed to provide young people with the knowledge, skills and tools to manage their own mental health and wellbeing.
Wellbeing 15 Minute Mile
At Wallace Fields Juniors we are committed to the idea that physical and mental health are intrinsically linked. Every week, each year group complete a 15-minute mile to help them get ready for the day's learning. It is an opportunity to wake up, get the blood pumping and take notice of the world around them.
Rufus - Our Reading Dog
We are extremely fortunate to have Rufus and his lovely owner volunteer at our school. He is a specially trained therapy dog. He attends interventions for children on a 1:1 basis who need their confidence boosting in reading. He works with children at all levels of ability. We often notice a big improvement in the selected children's wellbeing, which is fundamental to optimum learning.
Our Well-being Guinea Pigs: Cream and her baby Chocolate.
Our lovely natured guinea pigs are looked after by Mrs Elliot and her team of helpers during the warmer months at school. They love cuddles, listening to children and eating green things! Children can sign up to visit them and help care for them, while other selected pupils visit as a treat to have a therapeutic guinea pig cuddle.
Our anti-bullying policy is to ensure that children learn in a supportive, caring and safe environment without fear of being bullied. If bullying is suspected or reported, the incident will be taken seriously and recorded and dealt with as soon as possible by the member of staff who has been approached. If deemed to be bullying, the teacher responsible will speak to the pupils involved. If the matter can be resolved in school without the need for parental contact then this will be done and monitored by appropriate member of staff, teacher responsible, the Deputy Head and Head teacher. It may be decided that parents should be informed immediately and this will be done by the Deputy Head or Head teacher. A written copy of events will be kept and this will be updated until the situation has been resolved. For our full anti-bullying policy see below:
Medicine is only administered in accordance with the school’s policy. Please discuss any medical needs with the Head teacher / Deputy Head teacher or Office Staff.
Medicine Infection and First Aid Policy
There are now two defibrillators in school. One in the office medical bay and one mounted inside the door in the Year 6 block outside pupil toilets. There is a notices on the front gate and around the school indicating the availability of these during office hours / weekdays
Safeguarding Children
Any concerns about a child’s welfare are taken extremely seriously and all staff and volunteers are aware of our child protection policy and procedures. For more information on Safeguarding go to the following page on our website
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