Residents and Local Community
Here at Wallace Fields Junior School we are keen to keep in close contact with our local residents in order to keep in touch. We listen to the opinions and ideas of locals to keep a positive relationship between our local community and us. I am keen to keep the bonds positive and cooperative between us. Remember that many schools do not consider the needs and wants of the local community (and they are not obliged to). As a community school, I believe this is wrong and so I welcome ideas and input from all those that live close to us and those whose lives are affected by us.
A strong partnership
Wallace Fields Junior School works in cooperation with local residents and we have a mutually beneficial relationship. Some of our residents have come in to talk to classes, work with groups on projects such as tree planting and building bat and owl boxes. In return, we have held residents’ flower selling events and we open our doors to all residents to our yearly calendar events such as our popular Christmas and summer fairs.
If you are new to the area then I (or one of the staff or prefects) would be happy to show you round the school and give you an insight into life inside our school. If you have an idea to benefit the school or can give some of your own time, we are always grateful to hear from you.
Regular termly meeting of the Residents’ Liaison Committee
This committee has a representative or two for each of the local roads and we discuss the latest issues such as parking, road markings, and housing development. We discuss ideas that might benefit or indeed threaten the school or local area.
Please note that the Residents’ Liaison Group is not for parents of children in our school – the PTA is the group they should join. Though if you are interesting in volunteering at our school – to hear readers or help in some way, parent or not - please contact the main office.
The Residents’ Liaison Committee does not discuss issues regarding individual households - more specifically topics affecting all residents. To get involved with the school or to raise issues regarding the school, please contact the school directly (or email your road’s representative listed here).
Road Representatives:
Dorling Drive:
- Tim –
- Leigh –
St Johns Avenue
- Maureen –
- Nick -
Wallace Fields:
- Chris –
Football and lettings
The school allows our fields to be used by a local football group and to reduce parking congestion we turn the school playground into a car park. However, there are other football groups (not linked to our school) who play at Alexandra Park. Whilst we are keen to help reduce congestion by opening the playground for parking, people are allowed to park legally in local roads as they please. We try to alleviate parking as best we can.
Good communication
We send out a weekly bulletin to parents and carers with details of the school activities – it is also available by clicking here.
We often remind parents to drive slowly, park respectfully and not leave their engines idling as this causes pollution. The safety of the children comes first in all we do. If you are affected, by local issues linked to the school please contact your representative on the residents’ liaison group and we will attempt to investigate and find a solution to your issue.
Dates for local residents
Our website is packed with information on trips and events so that all residents can keep an eye on days when the roads may be busier outside school or busier times of the year such as our fairs or Year 6 shows. To help make this easier to see, we have compiled a list of the key events at the school that may have an effect on the community – for example parent parking and coaches for trips. Please check our website school events page by clicking here to see our events or go to our calendar page by clicking here.
Wallace Fields Junior School actively support many charities including:
- Save the Children
- Macmillan Cancer Relief
- The Rainforest Land Trust
- Jeans for Genes
- the Epsom Hospital Equipment Fund
- the Red Nose appeal
- Comic/ Sport Relief
- the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal
- Age Concern UK
- and many others.
We also have a community notice board out the front where we display local community information. If you would like us to promote any non-profit groups, we will do it for you.
Please be aware that the school has purchased a defibrillator machine and this is available to the public during office hours in the week. Please come to the main office if you need to use it.
Useful links for local community organisations
Thank you
It leaves me only to thank you, as a local resident for your support and cooperation, and for your tolerance and understanding with all the comings and goings-on that come with living close to a school. I look forward to meeting you or seeing you at some of our school events.