Summary of Parent Questionnaire Results - Summer 2023

A questionnaire sent out to parents at the end of the summer 2023. The results have been compiled and the feedback was very positive. Many of the comments were very enthusiastic and supportive of the hard work that goes on in school and the excellent time the children have at Wallace Fields Juniors. 

“(My child) has loved his time at Wallace Fields Junior School, he has always been very happy to come to school. The school teaches the children to be good citizens and kind and respectful to one another. I will be forever grateful to the school for giving (my child) such a wonderful start in his life, and we will miss all the friendly caring teachers that he has been lucky enough to work with throughout his time at the school. Thank you all so much!

 “We think the leadership team, teachers and office team do an amazing job and our child feels safe,happy and well looked after so thank you.”

 “The whole school including the office staff and the caretaker have been really supportive and it has been a really encouraging environment not just academically but in encouraging children's kind and helpful behaviour towards each other.”

81.1% children agree or strongly agree that enjoy school. The lessons are lively and fun and with more drama and outdoor learning lessons continue to be exciting and interactive. We also have significant levels of pastoral support in place including ELSA, Rufus the Reading Dog and our therapy guinea pigs. We would love all child to enjoy school so if  your child is genuinely unhappy in school then please do let your child's teacher know via an email to the office. 

A very strong 96.2% of parents said their children feel safe in school. We still have a plethora of school systems in place to ensure safety and safeguarding with Ofsted described our safeguarding as "top notch". Please continue to encourage your child to use the school systems to ensure their safety and happiness including taking to an adult, posting in the mood Box, using Peer mentors if support is needed. Our Anti-Bullying Weeks and Wellbeing Weeks have had an excellent impact on how the children feel and with helping the children developing the strategies to cope with low level conflict and any repeated incidents of unkindness. I would strongly recommend talking to us if you believe your child ever reports feeling unsafe in school.

84.9% felt that school educated the children to have a healthy lifestyle. Healthy living including wellbeing, sports and healthy eating fully embedded in our school curriculum. We are always looking at ways of improving and wellbeing days are now allocated to into every term.

86.8% agree or strongly agree that school keeps parents informed of their child’s progress and no parents disagreed. This is encouraging and by having termly parent / teacher meetings and a detailed end of year report parents are responding well to the progress information we provide. 

84.9% agree or strongly agree that the school expects their child to work hard and do their best. It is important that expectations remain high as the children need to be secondary ready by the time they leave Year 6 and generally the feedback from the high schools is very promising.

Homework is often a more contentious issue, but 73.6% strongly agreed or agreed and only 9.4% disagreed that appropriate homework was set. The children's homework is carefully set with deadlines and all homework relates to concepts explored in the classroom that week. This was a pleasing feedback result and we are always open to ideas and feedback on homework especially if there are technical problems.

98.2% agreed or strongly agreed we provide a good range of activities for the children to take part in. This confirms that all the effort that goes into organising, booking and leading trips is appreciated and understood for its importance by parents. 

A resounding 90% of parents felt their child was treated respectfully in school. Only 1.9% disagreed and we would encourage all children to report any times when they feel they are feeling unsafe or intimidated within school. The strong ethos of fair treatment, being an upstander and ensuring equality between all is driven across the whole school.

86.7% agreed (including strongly agreed 39.6%) that we have a broad and balanced curriculum. The effort that subjects leaders put into ensuring their subjects, both core and foundation and ensure a rich and interesting curriculum is phenomenal. The progress maps are available to all on the website and the cross curricular links are always carefully planned between the subjects. By exposing the children to a very strong and well planned curriculum the lessons and activities remains lively, engaging and very active learning experiences.

71.7% agreeing and 28.3% strongly agreeing that academic results meet expectations. It is difficult as a parent to set expectations whilst trying to be fair and realistic. The school employs a wide range of strategies to engage the children in learning and some areas children find more difficult than others, conversely some subjects they achieve almost naturally very well at. The key message at school is always one of a growth mindset and that they might not be able to do something yet, though they will achieve more with more hard work and effort. 

Please find attached the summary of previous pupil and parent questionnaires.

Questionnaire results summary

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