
If your child is going to be absent from school you must call our dedicated absence line before 9.00 am on the first day of absence and then on a daily basis with your child’s name, class and reason for absence. Authorisation will only be given for absence, other than illness and medical  appointments in exceptional circumstances, for example compassionate reasons. A letter requesting absence from school should be addressed to the Head Teacher. Holidays should never be taken in term time and will not be authorised for any year group. Attendance and academic success are closely linked and it is very important that your child attends every day.

Beginning and end of school day

Start and end times have worked successfully this year and ensured smooth access and egress. To ensure keep traffic flowing and to keep crowding to a minimum please note:

Year Groups

Start Time

Finish Time

Weekly Hours

Year 3 & 4

8.40am – 8.50am



Year 5 & 6

8.40am – 8.50am




Coming to School:

The gates open for all pupils at 8.40am until 8.50am. Children will enter school through the main gates. Children go to their classroom door where they put their bags outside their classroom and then go onto the playground for morning play. We suggest that if children walk themselves to/from school alone that you remind them to cross roads carefully and stay on the path at all times.

Please leave the area as soon as your child has entered school, as this will help the flow of children and parents. The gates are closed at 8.52am. All children arriving late go to the main office and sign in, giving a reason for their lateness. Regular lateness will be investigated as it effects curriculum time and learning.

End of Day: 

The majority of the Year 5 and 6 walk to and from school alone (they must have written permission for this). Lower school (Year 3 and 4) handover of children to parents is at the main gate. This later time also allows more time for collection of siblings from the infants. Please leave promptly from outside school to clear the front of the school and allow the next group of children to leave swiftly and safely. Parents and carers must be on the school side of the road to have their child released by their teacher. Waving from the car door does not count as pick up. Waving from a distance away is also not acceptable. This ensures your child does not need to cross any roads to reach you.  

Driving and Parking: 

Please drive slowly, park respectfully and legally. Do not park on double yellow lines and grass verges as this blocks the view, impedes traffic, damages the verges and puts children at risk. Do not do three point turns or block resident drives – use the turning circle at the bottom of Dorling Drive as this keeps traffic moving. 


Please do not stand in the road, or near the entrance to the staff car park or beyond the turning circle as this puts you and the children at risk from vehicles going in and out of school. We recommend walking to school whenever possible.

Closure of Gates: 

The children are taken to the main office if not collected promptly. The gates are shut at 3.45pm. 

School Events and Meetings: 

If there is an event on in school such as a meeting or workshops, the gates may remain open to reach the main building. You may be requested to enter the school by the main office.

Side Gate: 

We have a side gate that will be open 8.40 a.m. - 8.50 a.m. only for families that live in;

The Green

Ewell Downs Road

Reigate Road

St James Ave

Augustus Drive (and all linked roads)

Beech Walk

Longdown Lane North

Priest Hill Close


We suggest you line up along the alleyway fence on the main school side and back into The Green to prevent obstruction. Be aware that children late to the side gate must walk all the way around to the main office and sign in late. It is important to note that children do not enter the school’s duty of care until they are through the gate and on school grounds.

Clubs & Junior Adventures Group (JAG): 

Those going to a club are usually collected at the main gate at 4.30pm. Please check the club leader’s instructions for details on pick up times, as some vary slightly. 
If your child goes to JAG (our wraparound care), they will go direct from class to the dining hall where it is based. JAG children can go to any clubs and go directly to JAG when the club is finished. We do not deliver children to any other after school provision, as this is the responsibility of your childcare provider.

Late arrival or early pick up at school

Any children arriving after this point must come in through the school office and alert the Office staff to their arrival and give their full name. Register is completed by 9am.  If you need to pick up your child early from school for an appointment, please contact the School Office in advance. 

Going home arrangements

Year 3 and 4 children must be picked up from the school main gate  and if a child is to go home with another parent then please inform the school office ideally before midday by emailing Office1@wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk.  If the arrangement is last minute then please call the school office.

Year 5 & 6 must be collected from the main gate. Year 5 or 6 children may be given permission to walk home alone or through the gates to meet parents but must complete a form available from the School Office.

Bikes and Scooters

We are happy for children to ride their bikes and scooters to school and we have bike/scooter racks inside the entrance to the playground. If you wish for your child to cycle to school we need you to fill out a “Cycling to School” form which is available in our School Office. Parents must decide whether their child is competent to negotiate the hazards that might be met on both outward and return journeys and we cannot accept any liability for any consequences of, and arising from that decision. Parents must also have taken out appropriate insurance cover as the school’s insurance does not cover loss or damage of cycles. Cyclists must wear a helmet. All bicycles and scooters must be clearly labelled with the child’s name.


Some children are frightened of dogs and are they are not allowed on school premises. Therefore please make sure when you tie your dog up and it is away from the gate entrance/exit.

Early finish at the end of term

We break up at the end of the autumn, spring and summer term earlier than usual at 1.30pm.

Medical appointments

Please make these out of school times if at all possible. If your child does need to be absent from school for a medical or orthodontic appointment then please inform the School Office in advance.

Penalty notices for unauthorised leave

A full copy of our Attendance Policy see below. 

Attendance Policy

Updated: 22/07/2024 786 KB
Updated: 27/09/2022 163 KB

All our policies are available by clicking on this page https://www.wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk/our-school/policies

For more information on the Surrey School attendance policy https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/schools-and-learning/schools/at-school/attendance-and-absence/legal-processes-used-to-enforce-school-attendance-guidance-for-parents

Please note that from 19 August, new regulations are coming in to force regarding penalty notices for unauthorised absences.

Please find below the summary of these new regulations.

With effect from 19 August 2024, if a parent/carer takes their children out of school without authority for 5 or more days (which do not have to be consecutive), then the following will apply:

If you have not incurred a penalty notice relating to this child/children in a rolling 3 year period since 19 August 2024, then the penalty notice will be charged at the rate of £160.00, per parent/carer per child, if paid within 28 days. This will be reduced to £80.00 if paid within 21 days of receipt of the notice. Failure to pay the Penalty Notice will result in Surrey County Council considering legal proceedings against you in the Magistrates Court.
If you have incurred a penalty notice relating to this child/children since 19 August 2024, the rolling 3 year period will be activated from the date of the first penalty notice and the second penalty notice will be charged at the flat rate of £160.00, per parent/carer per child, if paid within 28 days. There will be no reduction for payment within 21 days. Failure to pay the Penalty Notice will result in Surrey County Council considering legal proceedings against you in the Magistrates Court. 
If you have incurred 2 penalty notices relating to this child/children in the rolling 3 year period since the first penalty notice was issued, then you will NOT receive a third penalty notice – Surrey County Council will have no option but to consider a prosecution, per parent/carer per child, in the Magistrates Court under s 444 Education Act 1996. 
Surrey County Council is not responsible for authorising pupil absence and therefore cannot withdraw any Penalty Notice requests without the written permission of the Headteacher.

Guide to Junior School Parents: Importance of Attendance Above 95%

Ensuring your child's regular attendance at school is crucial for their academic success and overall development. Here's why maintaining attendance above 95% is absolutely vital:

• Consistency in Learning: Regular attendance provides your child with consistent instruction, allowing them to stay up to date with the curriculum and build upon their knowledge and skills.

• Active Participation: Being present in the classroom enables your child to actively engage in activities, discussions, and group work, contributing to a richer learning experience and fostering critical thinking skills.

• Social and Emotional Development: School plays a significant role in your child's social and emotional growth. Regular attendance allows them to form meaningful relationships with peers, develop empathy, and practice essential social skills.

• Building Responsibility: Attending school regularly instils values of responsibility and commitment in your child. It teaches them to prioritise their education, show up on time, and take ownership of their learning journey.

• Academic Achievement: Studies consistently show a very strong correlation between attendance rates and academic achievement. Students with high attendance are more likely to achieve higher grades, perform well on standardised tests, and succeed academically.

Your support in ensuring your child's regular attendance is essential. Encourage them to prioritise school attendance, establish a consistent routine, and communicate any challenges they may face. Together, we can create an environment where every child has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.