Book Week 2025
The children and staff all had lots of fun during our Book Week. There was lots of cosy reading, trips to the library, sharing books and recreating a book in a box.
Thanks to Mrs Hernandez for reading her favourite book to the children and sharing their passion for reading with the children.
There were some fantastic and very creative costumes on Thursday and the selection of book characters was truly inspiring.
The World Book Day £1 token was handed out to children in class and can be used for children's use at local bookshops.
Please see the photo galleries below showing the children's work and photographs from the week.
Book Week 2024
The children and staff all had lots of fun during our Book Week. There was lots of cosy reading, trips to the library, sharing books and recreating a book in a box. Thanks to Mrs Clarkson, Mrs Day, Mrs Hernandez and Mr Lee for reading their favourite books to the children and sharing their passion for reading with the children. There were some fantastic and very creative costumes on Thursday and the selection of book characters was truly inspiring.
The scholastic book fair we held during Book Week raised over £850 for the school, which will be spent on books for the school library, class libraries and book sets for classes. Thank you very much for your tremendous support.
There are lots of the Wallace Fields Junior's X (formerly Twitter) account by clicking here.
Book Week 2023
Another fantastic Book Week! From Shelfies to Selfies and Cosy Reading to exciting performances. This has been a Book Week to remember.
The theme was travelling to other parts of the worlds through books. We have learnt lots about cultures that may be different to our own and perhaps have inspired some travels in the future. Year 3 travelled to China via books, Year 4 Sri Lanka, Year 5 Brazil
and Year 6 Himalayas/Tibet. All the children also enjoyed cosy reading in the hall with
pillows and blankets.
Thanks to the Mrs Salmon, Mrs Oxer, Mr Studley, Mr Lee, Mrs Day, Mrs Elliot and Mrs Boddy who came into classes to read their favourite books. Children had fun guessing the Teacher from a "shelfie" of books. Mrs Crabb will be circulating the answers next week. Thanks to caterers Twelve 15 for having a book themed lunch on Friday 3rd March 2023 and a puzzle competition.
Thank you to the PTA for running a second hand book stall which raised an amazing £225!
Many of children dressed up on Friday to celebrate their favourite book characters - thank you to all the parents who helped pull together such fabulous outfits.
Please below some photos from Book Week (one slideshow per year group) most have already appeared on Twitter plus a few more.