
This section of the website is also where you can find out about what your child is studying in each year group.

The Curriculum maps show what we are planning to study this term in class and you can find them below. If you wish to find out more about the National Curriculum then you can click here.

Enrichment activities - We offer a range of special visits, events and trips at Wallace Fields Junior School as we believe that they help to promote a broad and balanced education. You can find out more the planned activities that help enrich the curriculum in each year below.

Homework – Below you will find information about the homework requirements for each year group below as well as any useful fact sheets or links to help parents understand how we teach at Wallace Fields Junior School.  Please see below a homework summary of all the Year groups.

Homework Summary

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Values – In class we also teach about Social, moral, spiritual and cultural (SMSC) values. The Curriculum map will show you what your child is specifically learning but for more guidance on our generic policy on values please see the whole section on values on our website click here.