The coronavirus pandemic has created an unprecedented number of challenges for many families and has had a detrimental effect on children’s mental health across the country. The wellbeing of our children has never been so important; with many children returning to school feeling undue pressure and dealing with anxiety. Now we are back, we want to ensure all our children are nurtured and have a safe space to go to when they need some time.
Over the Easter break, we created a Wellbeing Centre for the children. This is an area which will provide a calm, child-centred space to offload worries and concerns. We have appointed two new Wellbeing Champions in school - Miss Hallett for the upper school and Mrs Thompson for the lower school.
Wellbeing at WFJS is a priority and we want to ensure that every child is nurtured and has an opportunity to talk to a Wellbeing Champion if they have worries or are upset. The Wellbeing Centre has been created for this very purpose. Now that the room has been built, we are aiming to raise £1000 to help pay for resources to make the space as welcoming and comfortable for the children as possible, such as relaxing bubbles tubes, anti-anxiety toys and soft furnishings.
Please help support our campaign, donate now and help us ensure we have the best possible space to help our children, enabling us to help them cope with any worries or fears. We thank you in advance for your support with a topic that is close to our hearts.
Click here to donate:
Wellbeing poster competition
We are inviting all our children to create an A4 poster to reflect what wellbeing means to them. The poster must be submitted via Google Classroom by Monday 17th May at 3.30pm. To help us achieve our fundraising target of £1000, there is a £5 entry fee for each competition entry. Click here to donate via bank transfer. Please do help us and donate even if your child does not want to enter, every little helps and gets us closer to our target.
The Winning Wellbeing Poster will go on the WALL OF FAME in a FRAME in THE WELLBEING CENTRE! Donations will go towards making the room soft and cosy to support children, who need a nice place to go to discuss their problems with the Wellbeing Champions and ELSAs.
Wellbeing Fundraiser poster