Junior Adventure Groups (JAG) provide wraparound care within Wallace Fields Junior School and although they are an independent provider I am always keen to ensure that their provision is meeting the needs of our parents. I received some emails from some parents mentioning issues. Obviously safety and safeguarding are top priority however, I wanted to ensure regular and secure leadership with clear structured activities and full resourcing beyond the safety of the children. I have met with JAG management reiterating the parent concerns (they had received emails directly). JAG are corresponding directly with parents and made some very swift improvements to the club. The JAG sessions I have witnessed have been much better with a clearer timetable, consistent leadership, full engagement and lots of fun and games going on. I like to respond to feedback from parents and although it might not all be positive I am keen to ensure that any provision linked to the school has a good reputation.
My thanks to JAG for listening to feedback and for their quick response and I am sure feedback will be very positive this term and I hope this continues. Remember if you would like your child to do a club, for example Creative Arts, JAG will take them after a club (most clubs conclude at around 4.30pm) and the children go straight to JAG via the hall. This is also true of events such as the disco next week - children can go straight from the disco to JAG afterwards (please inform JAG directly if this is your intention). This is not possible with some other childcare provision.
For more information on how to sign up for Junior Adventures Group Wrap Around Care click here.