'I had the enormous honour of accompanying our Diversity Leader and International School's Coordinator Mrs Kidwai up to the seat of government at the Houses of Parliament. We had a pleasant afternoon talking with other schools who has benefitted from this scheme . My thanks go to Mrs Kidwai for coordinating this award that is valid now for three years and to all the staff who have worked tirelessly on collating the evidence to illustrate to the British Council how we celebrate and promote diversity and celebration of different cultures across the school - both formally through integration in the curriculum and also in the extra curricular events, celebrations and displays. The school has active links with a number of schools abroad and the regular diversity days and the international links drive a new level of understanding and enthusiasm across the school.' Mr Lee
'On the 20th January, I attended the British Council Award ceremony for the International School Award at the Houses of Parliament with Mr. Lee; it was truly a memorable experience and indeed a proud moment for our school. The reception offered breath taking riverside views, setting a perfect backdrop for the event. We were treated to inspiring speeches by children from international schools, showcasing their remarkable insights and perspectives. It was heartening to witness the dedication and effort of 54 schools in integrating an international dimension into their curriculums. This event highlighted the importance of fostering global understanding and collaboration among young learners, ensuring they are well-prepared for a diverse and interconnected world. We are inspired to continue bringing more international experiences and links for our learners in the future. We would also like to thank our wonderful community of parents, staff and governors whose support is invaluable in helping our school go from strength to strength.' Mrs Kidwai.
The local MP Helen McGuire has proposed an Early Day Motion (EDM) to Parliament for achieving this award and six MPs have already signed this motion: "This House congratulates Wallace Fields Junior School, Epsom, on achieving accreditation with the British Council International School Award; notes that this prestigious award recognises and celebrates schools that demonstrate a strong commitment to integrating international dimensions into their curricula and activities, engages students, staff, and the local community in understanding and celebrating international diversity; and wishes them the very best in their future endeavours educating children on key life skills."