The National Tests (SATS) will start next Tuesday 9th May 2023. The children are well prepared and have been working hard this term to get themselves ready for the tests. We are very proud of the children and their efforts in the recent weeks. We have emailed all year 6 parents with further details, but the key points are as follows:-
- Bring a fully equipped pencil case including 2 pencils, 2 pens, pencil sharpener, ruler and a rubber.
- Please make sure your child arrives on time. If you have a problem, or your child is unwell, please call (rather than email) the office after 8.40am. SATS are a Government requirement and all children are expected to take the tests
- A normal level of anxiety is common. Please reassure them. Please ensure your children have lots of sleep and general rest and that they do not work too hard or ‘cram’ revision in.
- If they have forgotten anything or lack confidence in an area they can use look at BBC Bitesize, which has some useful videos and tips. Grammarsaurus videos are also useful for refreshing grammar.