Wallace Fields Juniors are celebrating the King's Coronation on Friday 5th May 2023. To mark this historic event the children are invited to dress-up as Kings or Queens from any period of history and from any region of the world..
The day will include special events and activities including assemblies that explain the significance of this event in British culture. Further details on the activities and special events will follow nearer the time.
The children will also be celebrating the coronation with a picnic lunch. Those that have school dinners will be provided with a picnic lunch in a personalised box – see the menu below. The box will be sent home today Friday 21st April 2023 with the children to name and decorate in a coronation theme. The boxes must be returned to school on Friday 28th April 2023. Please don't forget to include your child's name and class. Children on packed lunch may decide to decorate their own packed lunch box/bag too in a coronation theme. The best decorated will win a prize.