The theme for Book Week this year will be 'Reading Around the World'. We are planning different year groups focusing on different countries
Year 3 - China
Year 4 - Sri Lanka
Year 5 - Brazil
Year 6 - Himalayas/Tibet.
We will be creating a 'Wallace Fields Departure Lounge' in the hall and giving children time to 'visit' their country and there will be a focus book for each year group. There is a 'Guess the Teacher' competition and lots of fun activities for the children and they will be taken on a reading journey' across the world!
There will be a book themed lunch on Friday 3rd March 2023. See the posters below from our school lunch caterers Twelve 15.
We would love to invite some grandparents in to read a favourite childhood book - especially if they come from a different country - though we will need the books to be read in English. Please email PCrabb@wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk if you are able to help.
Staff and children may dress up on Friday 3rd March 2023 for World Book Day if they would like to. Please note World Book Day is Thursday 2nd March but due to some children being out on the Thursday we will be dressing up on the Friday.
The dress up theme can be either their favourite book character or they can celebrate their own heritage with traditional clothing.
On Friday 3rd March, please send your child in with a £1 and they can bring home two second hand books. Thanks to the PTA for organising this book sale.
Children on a PE day should wear trainers and loose clothing as part of their outfit to accommodate the PE lessons.