Today we held exciting and fun celebrations for WFJS Maths Day! 

This was a day for us to celebrate all the excellent achievements of all children at Wallace Fields Junior School, as well as applying our maths skills and knowledge to real life situations. Application to the real world has been a big focus for us this year and this was a day to celebrate the excellent maths the children do every single day. A huge congratulations to the children who won awards for outstanding effort and participation on Mathletics this year and the children who were celebrated for their TTRs speed and accuracy. These children were recognised in our whole school celebration assembly this morning.

The rest of the day included MoneySense workshops, a TTRs avatar competition (winner to be announced!) and maths orienteering using our school orienteering course. The children have very kindly been given a MoneySense tote bag, keyring and pencil, which have been sent from NatWest for our engagement with the MoneySense workshops. In addition, they have been given plenty of maths themed stickers and a whole day of maths fun! 

Thank you for your continued support with your child's maths at home and utilising our online platforms (Mathletics and TTRs) to embed the Key Stage 2 curriculum. Mathletics sent us the awards, given out to the top 6 children for effort and participation in each year group, and thank you to the PTA for their prizes for the top 3 on Times Tables Rock Stars on effort and participation.

We are so proud of all our mathematicians! 

Maths Week Presentation

Updated: 21/03/2025 1.84 MB