As part of their work in Personal, Social and Health Education in the Spring Term, Year 6 will take part in a Junior Citizen Scheme at Epsom Grandstand on Thursday 6th March 2025. In partnership with the Police, Fire Brigade, Thames Water and other public services, pupils will learn about personal safety relevant to their transition to secondary school and independence.

Feedback from the staff at the Junior Citizens event this week was extremely complimentary and positive about the Year 6. They see a wide range of schools and are interacting with high numbers of Year 6 children from across the borough. They were very impressed with the behaviour and commented on how polite, friendly and engaged they were. The staff at the Grandstand said the Year 6 asked very important and interesting questions and really shone out as an exemplar school amongst the others. This obviously makes us very proud of them as they represented the school so well, interacted fully and also reflect the great support that you give us from home in terms of how to behave in public.  

Our School Ambassadors have below given their comments on the event.

"At junior citizens, we had lots of fun learning practical skills and meeting people from different emergency services. My personal favourite was doing the CPR to the tune of Baby Shark.”  Edith, School Ambassador

“It was very funny going to Junior Citizens in our fancy dress costumes. The Police Officers running the event kept trying to guess who we were dressed up as. Also they said we were the best school they had had over the two weeks of the event.” Freddie B, School Ambassador