This week we also saw the last of the school based rehearsals for the Christmas Concert. My thanks to Mrs Johnstone for the huge amount of effort she has put into preparing the Christmas Concert and the children were sounding wonderful in the rehearsals this week. One more full rehearsal at the Epsom Chapel and then the real thing on Monday evening. We look forward to seeing you there for this traditional annual event. Please be patient collecting your children afterwards as it is steady and safe rather than rushed. I will be announcing the winners of the Christmas Hampers at the end of the concert.
The Christmas Concert service at the Epsom College Chapel. All parents and siblings are welcome.
This event is a long-standing tradition and we come together to celebrate the festive season. Our Christmas Concert provides an opportunity for the whole school community to join in a shared celebration of the Christmas holiday. It focuses purely on the joy of music and the festive spirit, with a selection of Christmas songs and Christmas stories that are enjoyed by the children and parents alike.
Your child will take part in the rehearsal (on the morning from school) and the evening service unless we hear from you. If for religious reasons your child is unable to attend, please email office1@wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk.
Timings and details
- Parents/carers please arrive no earlier than 6pm and unfortunately there is no parking on site.
- Please walk to the chapel if possible. If you do park on the neighbouring streets please park respectfully. We have already received an email from the residents of neighbouring road Kilcorral Close asking us to remind parents to not park on their narrow road for the concert as previous years residents have been blocked in.
- Staff arrive 6.10pm in side door
- Pupils in full school uniform - drop off at 6.20pm through the side entrance on the (roadside) left hand side of the chapel and their teacher will register them.
- Parents/Carers/Siblings will need to enter through the main entrance to the right of the front door. Please queue to the right of the door (uphill) allowing space for disabled access on the ramp.
- Guests and Governors who give their time freely to the school will be offered reserved seating as a thank you.
- There are plenty of seats including behind the choir stalls and on a balcony at the back. TV screens mean that everyone should have a good view of the performance.
- Concert starts 6.40pm
- Please note there are no toilets in the chapel.
- You can take photographs and videos of the event for your personal use. Please do not share on social media
- We will be raising funds for “Save the Children” at the end of the concert. Some children will be shaking a collection bucket as you depart so please bring some cash.
- Concert should be finished by approximately 7.40pm
- Parents/Carers leave out of the main doors of the church only
- Pupils are collected from teachers/staff from area at the side of chapel - please be patient. See below for more details about pick up.
- If you need disabled access and disabled parking please inform the School Office by emailing Office1@wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk
Please complete the google form by clicking here, if you have arranged for another parent/carer to collect your children. No child is permitted to walk home alone. Safeguarding is our key concern so we would appreciate your patience at the end of the concert.
A swift departure is planned at the end of the concert though safety comes first. Your patience and cooperation is very much appreciated.
- After the concert, parents and visitors exit out of the same main doors and turn right.
- All children exit out of a side door. The Year 3 (and siblings of Year 3) leave first, then Year 4 (and siblings of Year 4) and so on. There will be marked out areas, on the grass, to the side of the chapel for each year group.
- The children wait with their class teacher in their group area. All children are dismissed directly by their teacher to their parent/carer.
- Please do not cross into the roped area class area.
- No children will be permitted to walk home alone.
- If someone other than the child’s parents/carers are collecting your child following the Carol Concert please complete the Google form as soon as possible and before midday on Monday 16th December 2024
- Please complete the google form by clicking here, if you have arranged for another parent/carer to collect your children.
- No child is permitted to walk home alone.
Safeguarding is our key concern so we would appreciate your patience at the end of the concert.