I have had a number of parents on the gate, asking how to contact teachers. There are a few ways of contacting a teacher - the children in lower school have a reading record (yellow book) which can be used as a communication book for school - it also contains a mini timetable and their log in details for various programs. The upper school have a homework diary (small blue book) which can be used similarly. These books can be used for non emergency day to day contact. If you want to email a teacher then write to office1@wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk and your email will be passed on.
Thank you for limiting your emails - I mentioned this at the Tea Parties- writing long emails from home or work may seem cathartic however it is very time consuming and takes up a vast amount of teacher time to read and reply. If you can keep your emails as succinct as possible, then we would be very grateful. Teachers are not required to reply within a certain time and they will reply as soon as possible - not always by email, it may be in their homework diary or a quick phone call. Please take time to consider that the teacher has many other children to plan, teach, assess and accommodate expectations for SEND and challenge - emails are not a priority.
If you have an urgent matter please telephone the school. If it is not urgent, please send a succinct email and the main reason for your contact. Pastoral issues, friendship issues and behaviour concerns can only be dealt with if the children tell their teachers and the duty staff as soon as they feel unhappy or unsafe. Please encourage your child to seek an adult in school immediately and not to wait until they go home and the incident is faded from memory and reinterpretation of what really happened can cause confusion.
As part of our safeguarding the children post in the 'Mood Box' every day - this ensures an adult is available to talk to them by lunchtime, if they feel unsafe or distressed about something (it may be a school issue or something upsetting them at home). Ask your child about the Mood Box if you are unaware, as it is completed by every child and they know how to use this very effective safeguarding and wellbeing system.
For more information about Parents communicating with school click here.