There were a number of big school premises projects that started over the summer.
The former computing suite is been redesigned into a more flexible space, since the children no longer visit a room for computer studies and now complete their technical work and computing skills on Chromebooks in the classroom. This project includes fitting a dividing wall in the computer suite to create two usable and expandable spaces - one side a sensory classroom and a meeting room. The sensory room will be a breakout space for children with special needs and also available for intervention groups as well. This will provide two learning spaces rather than one and the meeting room will be a more formal environment whilst the sensory room will be kitted out to create a safe space and have additional sensory resources within it. There is a lot of work to be done still and you will be kept updated as it develops.
The second big project is the installation of a multi use games area (MUGA) or all-weather surface, beyond the activity trail. After 4 years of fundraising, work started in the summer and continues to progress. We will let you know when the MUGA is complete and when the time comes there will be an official opening. It is safely fenced off for the time being and looks to be in the final stages of completion.