We have been running residential trips for many years and the children (especially Year 4 and Year 5) are starting to get very excited about the forthcoming trips. Residential trips are a crucial part of our offsite education and the children return a little more mature and hopefully a lot more organised (although not always). They relish the independence and they thrive on discovering new skills, developing teamwork and trying things they had not done before. I cannot explain how much effort goes into organising these trips, sorting the finances, booking the trips, creating and booking the itinerary and filling out all the forms to ensure the travel, insurance and safety measures are all in place. For those parents and carers who have been on a day trip (not even a residential), they will know how exciting it is and how much joy the children get from it. These trips create lifelong memories and really help prepare the children for life in high school and beyond. They come back with stories, new skills and a more confident outlook. Thank you for supporting the school with our residential trips and your children will be forever grateful for allowing them to have this opportunity. My thanks especially to the admin team and the group leaders for all their hard week preceding the actual trips.
Don't forget Individual Medications Meetings for Year 4 and 5 next Wednesday at 8.45am. Parents will need to queue up to have individual chats with a member of staff if their child will require any medication during their residential trip. Please bring along all medication.