My thanks to all the staff and especially to Mr Hurd our science lead for driving such an exciting and explorative British Science Week. It has been very lively across the school and the children have thoroughly enjoyed discovering and learning more about science and really getting their hands dirty doing experiments. Lots of activities have taken place including:
- Year 5 have had fun (and got very wet!) this afternoon making water clocks
- Year 5 kicking off British Science Week 2024 this morning with a BBC live lesson on invertebrates, life cycles and tardigrades (or water bears) #BBCLiveLessons
- Year fours enjoying making observations during a nature walk.
- Year 3 thought about the future of our environment today for British Science Week. We looked at our local surroundings and thought about what else we could add, using our scientific knowledge about plants and their jobs.
- The whole school took part in a ‘Microscope Mystery.’ What could they be? A huge thank you to WFJS STEM ambassador, Mrs Hernandez, for running the event.
- Everyone celebrated British Science Week- even the school wildlife! A frog and its frogspawn have been sighted in the eco area pond today.
Scientific Photography Competition
This year we will once again be hosting a scientific photography competition to celebrate British Science Week on the week commencing 11th March 2024. Ideas for photos can be found using the following link, but we encourage the children to try to be original: https://www.st-peters-sittingbourne.co.uk/entries-1/ The photos will be celebrated by the school and have their entries displayed for all to see in the main hall.
This year's British Science Week theme is: Time. The children could use this as inspiration for their own photo or choose something entirely different; the choice is theirs! If your child would like to take part, they can upload their photo; a brief description of the science seen; and their name and year group. Each class will have a Google Classroom assignment that has been created (this will appear online on Monday 11th March 2024). The deadline for entries will be: Monday 18th March 2024.