Some limited clubs which will be in Year Group bubbles will return after Easter:-
•    Athletics: All years on Mondays
•    Football: All years on Friday
•    Virtual Craft club: All year groups
•    Lunchtime Book Club: All year groups (the photo shows some avid readers who were in last year's Book club)
•    Hip Hop: Year 3 on Tuesdays
•    Before school Judo: Year 6 Mondays & Year 4 Tuesdays 
•    French lunchtime – All year groups
If you signed up for a club last term then your place will be rolled over. Most clubs still have spaces expect for Year 6 book club, which is currently full. Club letters have been sent out separately or click here to go our club pages to download the forms. Any club letters not available here will be emailed out next week as well as saved on our website.  Please contact the club leaders directly with any enquiries, their contact details will be found on the club letter.