PTA have been busy again and organised an event for the children - PTA Valentines Disco - and an event for the parents/carers - Tribute Social. Please sign up for these events for lots of fun and help school funds.
For the PTA Valentines Disco, the children can dress up and wear their sparkly clothes and crazy wigs as per usual.
Entry is via the main gate and then the children go to the allocated classroom along the Year 3 and Year 4 side of the building. Please be aware of the drop off and pick up points.
Year 3 - 3T
Year 4 - 3D
Year 5 - 4K
Year 6 - 4C
The classroom doors will be labelled. There will be dance competitions and lots of fun. A drink and a snack are included in the ticket price. Please wait outside these classrooms for collection of the children. Tickets must be purchased before arrival and a list is prepared for safety reasons. Click here to get tickets.