As the Carol Concert gets ever closer and the rehearsals continue in school. The Christmas Carol service at the Epsom College Chapel. All parents and siblings are welcome to come to watch and listen to the concert.
If for religious reasons your child is unable to attend, please email office1@wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk
We expect your child to attend the rehearsal (on the morning from school) and the evening service unless we hear from you.
- No-one to arrive on site before 6pm. Parents/carers must NOT arrive before 6pm and unfortunately there is no parking on site.
- Staff arrive 6.10pm in side door
- Pupils in full school uniform - drop off at side door 6.20pm
- Parents/Carers /Siblings queue up enter through back doors of church
- Concert starts 6.40pm
- Concert should be finished by approximately 7.40pm
- Parents/Carers leave out of the main doors of the church only
- Pupils are collected from teachers/staff from area at the side of chapel - please be patient.
If you need disabled access and disabled parking please inform the School Office by emailing Office1@wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk
Please complete the google form by clicking here, if you have arranged for another parent/carer to collect your children. No child is permitted to walk home alone. Safeguarding is our key concern so we would appreciate your patience at the end of the concert.