The year 6 children have been learning food related vocabulary and expressions recently in preparation for their French trip.
In order to prepare them for this and to celebrate their achievements, we will be holding a French Market tasting event on Friday, 12th July in the diner. Children will be able to taste some culinary delights from France including cheeses, saucisson, fruit, and a selection of tasty French pastries.
We kindly ask for a contribution of £3.00 in order to cover the cost of the food. Please pay your voluntary contribution via Scopay.
In addition, I am looking for some volunteers to help set up and run the market stalls. Only a little French is required and other volunteers will be at hand to assist. You will need to arrive by 1:15 and it will finish by 3:00.
Allergies and special dietary requirements: as we cannot guarantee that the pastries were made in a nut-free environment, could you please let me know if your child will be bringing in their own pastries on the day in a clearly labelled box/bag by 10:00 on the day.
If you are interested in helping out, please send an email to:scornell@wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk
Merci beaucoup! Mme Cornell, French Lead