Each child in Year 6 is given the opportunity to sign up take part in the Bikeability Training Scheme. The Level 2 qualification teaches cycling on roads with moderate traffic. Children taking part should already be able to cycle and have good control and balance on their bicycle. Children taking part must have a road worthy bicycle and helmet. The children will receive a report at the end of the week outlining their strengths and weaknesses, to assist them in improving their road skills. In the past, most Year 6 children do take part.
The training will take place during the school day during either week commencing 3rd June 2024 or 1st July 2024 and each course will include a maximum of 8 children. We are aware that Tuesday 2nd July is the Secondary School Transition Day for many local secondary schools. Class Teachers will assign the groups to ensure all children taking part have the necessary time required over the week to complete the cycling course. You will receive a further email nearer the time with more details about what is required, the groups, and the dates and times they will take part.
The course is run by Surrey County Council so you will need to enrol and pay using the following link:
Please note that enrolment closes on 23:00 on 15th April 2024, which is the Monday we return after the Easter holidays.
There is a charge of £15.00 per child for the training. Children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) should pay a reduced fee of £4.
Please take time to ensure your child’s bicycle and helmet is in good working order and to encourage your child to practice over the next few months.