Olympic week is coming up starting w/c 24th June. To get ready for this exciting week- here are some reminders of the activities...
Create a Crazy Photo - £2 to Enter
- Take a picture of you completing a sport
- Consider how fun/extreme (safely) your sport can be shown on camera
- The extreme sports picture competition deadline is on Monday 24th June 2024.
- Upload to google Classroom or hand to Miss Day.
Sports Day Competition Winner Announced
Thank you to all those who took part in the design an activity for Sports Day competition. Congratulations to Nyla H in 3D who won the competition and whose activity will happen at Sports Day. Nyla has invented Hurdle Football! Two teams line up facing each other, with three hurdles lined up between them. Children will try to kick the ball through all three hurdles, to the person opposite. Each hurdle the ball passes through, the more points children will win!
Mufti Day 24th June 2024 - £2 to Enter
Wear Olympic themed clothes or sports themed clothes. Money collected on the gate.Mufti Day is on Monday 24th June 2024.
To donate for these competitions there will be a bucket o the gate on MUFTI day 24th June 2024 or you can donate via this link.