PAW is a group of Christian parents at WFJS from past and present.
We believe that prayer has a positive effect on our school.
We meet once a half term, at one of our homes (or virtually!) to pray – we plan to meet this week on Wednesday 19th June, 9am. You are welcome to join us!
We have led occasional assemblies in school (e.g. Christmas, Easter, Year 6 leavers) and supported Faith & Philosophy lessons (e.g. What is prayer?, Why read the Bible?)
There are PAW members for most year groups:
• Year 4: Machiko Wantabe (Luca’s Mum), Natalie Johnson-Hyde (Adam’s Mum)
• Year 5: Jo Wright (Naomi’s Mum)
• Year 6: Carolyn Dunlop (Amelia’s Mum)
We would like to warmly welcome all new children and their families in WFJS.
If you are interested and want to find out more, please do contact Jo by emailing wright_jo@hotmail.co.uk
PAW is a group of Christian parents at WFJS from past and present.
We believe that prayer has a positive effect on our school.
We meet once a half term, at one of our homes (or virtually!) to pray – we plan to meet this week on Wednesday 19th June, 9am. You are welcome to join us!
We have led occasional assemblies in school (e.g. Christmas, Easter, Year 6 leavers) and supported Faith & Philosophy lessons (e.g. What is prayer?, Why read the Bible?)
There are PAW members for most year groups:
• Year 4: Machiko Wantabe (Luca’s Mum), Natalie Johnson-Hyde (Adam’s Mum)
• Year 5: Jo Wright (Naomi’s Mum)
• Year 6: Carolyn Dunlop (Amelia’s Mum)
We would like to warmly welcome all new children and their families in WFJS.
If you are interested and want to find out more, please do contact Jo by emailing wright_jo@hotmail.co.uk