Year 5 have been enjoying learning to play the ukulele this year. Whilst they will still get opportunities to play it in the future, it will not be studied as a focus instrument as it has since January. I thought that it would be lovely for them to be able to put on a little Ukulele concert for you, to share some of the pieces they have been playing. This will only be short (around 15 minutes) and will take place in the afternoon during their music lesson. Whilst audiences in person are much more exciting for the children, I realise that due to work commitments, understandably, this may not be very convenient so I will record the pieces and share the links with you via email. There will be two separate concerts - one for each class determined by the time of their lesson. The concerts are on Tuesday 14th May 2024: Class 5S - 2.05pm and Class 5H - 3.05pm. Please complete the Google link by clicking here to confirm if you wish to attend. Thank you, Mrs Johnstone. (Music Lead)