The final details of the trip are as follows:-
- Children must arrive at school for normal school time at 8.40am-8.50am for registration. We are leaving for Marchants Hill after lunch at school.
- Children will eat as normal at school, so if your child has a school meal they will eat this as normal in the canteen. If your child normally has a packed lunch, then please provide this in a disposable bag.
- Your child will be met at the school gate by the Year 5 team, who will direct them to their classroom to leave their suitcases and rucksack.
- Pocket money - £4.00 (in pound coins please). If you have not yet sent in your pocket money, please make sure you hand this in to the teacher on Tuesday 7th May.
- Estimated time of return on Friday 10th May is 3.00pm. Any change to this time on the day, will be sent out via twitter.