On Thursday 21st March 2024 Year 3 will be visiting Butser Ancient Farm, Hampshire, to enhance their topic work in the classroom and discover more about the Iron Age.
Butser Ancient Farm is a unique archaeological reconstruction of ancient buildings and farm. The children will take part in activities such as archaeological excavation, jewellery making and chalk carving.
We sent an email out on Wednesday 13th March with lots of important information about the day. The key points are as follows:-
- Early start for this trip - Children need to arrive at 8.10am.
- Collection should be at 3.30pm - any delays will be tweeted and /or emailed.
- Children should wear school uniform on their top half and casual clothing on their bottom half with Trainers
- Dress suitably for the weather as they will be outside all day so All MUST bring a named waterproof raincoat
- Children bring a change of shoes and a plastic carrier bag in their back pack so they can put their muddy trainers away before getting on the coach.
- They should take a named water bottle and a packed lunch in a small back pack.
- If your child has an allergy to farm animals please let their class teacher know and provide a named container with antihistamine on the morning of the trip.
- If your child suffers from travel sickness please administer medicine before the journey and give the named medicine to their teacher (on the morning of the trip) for the return journey.
- All of the medicines held in the School Office (inhalers and EpiPen etc) will be taken on the trip from school.
- If you not done so already, please remember to pay the voluntary Contribution and give permission on Scopay. We will treat payment as permission to take part in the trip.
- Tweets will include children with permission only - If you are willing to change your photographic permissions then please email Office1@wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk before the end of school on Wednesday 20th March confirming your child’s name, class and if the change of permission for photographs is just for this trip or permanently. Thank you
We are looking forward to an exciting day!