Wallace Fields Junior School is holding Book Week during week starting Monday 4th March 2024. The purpose of our Book Week is to encourage children to literally pick up a book and read! We are planning lots of opportunities for cosy reading and visits to the library. The Theme is "Read what you like." So please encourage your child to bring in a book they love that they can enjoy reading all week. Children are welcome to bring in pillows, blankets or onesies for cosy reading (please ensure they are named).
We would like to invite you to come into school one afternoon and share a favourite book (current or a childhood favourite) with a class for 10 - 15 minutes. Also, if you have a job as a writer, illustrator, publisher etc., please come and share that with us. Parents, Grandparents, Siblings or other relatives are welcome. If you would like to come into read then please email Office1@wallacefields-jun.surrey.sch.uk
Please can all children bring in a shoe box or similar size cardboard box by 4th March 2024 for a competition during Book Week.
On Thursday 7th March 2024 we will have a Book character day where all the children and staff shall dress up as a Book Character. We do not expect parents to go out and buy costumes. Children on a PE day should wear trainers and loose clothing as part of their outfit to accommodate the PE lessons.
On Thursday 7th March Twelve 15 will be doing a Book Week themed menu. Please see below.
Thank you in advance for your support with this exciting event.