Music Festival at Epsom College

Tuesday 3rd October 2023 10.30am -4.20pm

The Wallace Fields Junior School Years 4, 5 and 6 choir members (see list overleaf) have been invited to Epsom College on Tuesday 3rd October to join other local schools for their annual Music Festival, led by the Director of Music, Mr Paul Johnson-Hyde. I know it will be a lovely day, the children will be taught some songs and how to be part of a large choir. There will then be a short concert for parents at the end of the day (please see invite below from Epsom College).


On the day, children will be expected to come to school as normal but will just need to bring a water bottle and raincoat as Epsom College will be providing lunch (please state any allergies on the google form). I will be joined by Mrs Baxter to walk the children to Epsom College but will require a parent volunteer or two just to accompany us on the walk there. You won’t need to stay once we have arrived on site. (Once again, please could you indicate if you are able to help on the google form). We will need you to meet us in the school office at 9.25am as we will be leaving around 9.30am.


Please can the children wear smart winter uniform including shirt and tie, if possible.  Thank you.


Epsom College are very kindly providing refreshments (in Main Hall at 3.30pm) for parents/carers before a little end of the day concert at 4pm (in Big School). We would be delighted if you could join us for the children’s final performance.


If you are not able to attend the concert, please arrange for your child to be collected from the main entrance of Epsom College at 4.20pm.


If your child would like to take part in this event, please click here for the google form.

I am very much looking forward to this day and I am sure the choir will have a wonderful experience.


Kind regards,


Mrs Jo Johnstone

Music Leader


As of 22nd September 2023 the following children are attending:-


Year 4

Sabrina C 4K

Grace E 4K

Mai F 4K

George H 4K

Ben M 4K

Kian Rr 4K

Eliana A 4C

Matteo B 4C

Jordan D 4C

Averi L 4C

Jessie M 4C

Leena O 4C

George R 4C

Nandika S 4C

Laila T 4C

Chloe W 4C

Peggy K 4C



Year 5 

Betty O 5H 

Aurelia K 5H 

Rosha S 5H  

Imogen D 5H 

Anna P 5H 

Sophie W 5H

Alexandra S 5H

Celine P 5H

Ela U 5S 

Clarissa W 5S 

Maya S 5S 

Isla H 5S

Cara N 5S

Amelia L 5S


Year 6 

Evie B 6G 

Amalie D 6G 

Katie M 6G 

Alexis R 6G 

Amelia S 6G 

Alejandra N 6C 

Trishika J 6C 

Lucy B 6C 

Julia E 6C 

Stanley H 6C 

Arlia P 6C